Saturday, 11 January 2014


Happy new year members of the Kenya Nuclear Electricity Board's (Nuclear Kenya) fan pages,

Hope we will continue to share our thoughts, opinionated views and experiences and learn from each other so that we can improve our knowledge, our attitudes and our views about nuclear power. I believe that bringing together a diversity of minds even in a platform like this forum, goes a long way to move us forward towards understanding what nuclear energy as a whole entails as well as why, when and how our country intends to introduce this source of power. 

South Africa has been using nuclear power for quite a while now since 1984 when its first commercial plant began operation and it also intends to add about 9,600MW of electricity from nuclear plants into its grid by 2030. Many other countries in the continent such as Egypt, Nigeria, Morocco, Ghana etc are considering adding nuclear power into their energy mixes. Kenya is among African countries that have considered introducing this nuclear power for electricity generation. 

We are all partners in ensuring a better tomorrow for ourselves and generations to come. The Kenya Nuclear Electricity Board was set up to take the country through the road-map of realizing nuclear electricity generation. Let us unite in a bid to support Kenya's Nuclear Power Programme for peaceful uses of nuclear power. It can only be possible to look forward to a better and all round development of our economy only if we put in place a vibrant energy sector which plays a major role in a country's economic development. 

Everything good is worth taking the challenge and giving a sacrifice; even the developed world in the nuclear industry like the U.S, China, France etc did not begin smoothly but eventually the user countries of nuclear power can tell the contribution of reliable and stable power in their economies. 

May this year bring us prosperity as we explore this cause and many others.

Happy New Year!